Gee, it has been soooooo long since I sat down and posted a blog. Seems like that ALWAYS gets put on the back burner. Anyway, I am so excited to let you know that the new site just went LIVE a few nights ago. I have to admit, it is not fully completed yet, but I at least got it to a point where I could go ahead and launch it. HOORAY!!! I still have to add a large group of my 2009 Seniors yet, quite a few Wedding Album Pages to add, etc., so I'm plugging away on it as we speak. Not a ton to do, but I hope to get it completed very soon. Please take a few minutes to view it and I welcome any and all feedback you may have.
I am also in the process of creating a "Facebook Fan Page" so I'll let you know when that goes live as well. Please feel free to become a member--that is probably where I'll put most of the studio updates at. So............stay tuned!! A lot of good things are happening for Timeless Treasures!!
Thanks so much--Rhonda :-)