Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lots of new things going on..................

Hi Everyone--
So sorry I haven't been able to blog for some time. I have been so completely busy with everything that I kept saying, "I need to blog, I need to blog" but simply didn't get to it. Since the last time I blogged, I have had several weddings, High School Seniors and beautiful babies (even a set of 4 week old twins) to shoot. It's been really great and I must say, I have been hopping!! Plus, trying to run a business with three girls is challenging to say the least. My youngest one just turned 7 months and is trying to cut teeth at the moment. FUN!! I am also trying to help coach Ashley's 5th Grade Cheerleading Squad so I have been busy with that as well. Yikes--always something going on.
I also have had many people ask me why I didn't have my beautiful booth at the Fair this year.......the main reason is simply the time constraints I now have. Between the business getting completely crazy and keeping up with the kids, house and husband, I decided not to do it this year. I may do it again next year--I'll see where I'm at. It has been a wonderful way to get my name out there and I'm very appreciative of that.
Anyway, I think that's all for now but I wanted to share just a few of my latest images with you. Enjoy (and feel free to comment if you would like).
Take Care--
Rhonda :-)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Studio will be closed.......

Hi Everyone--

Just wanted to let you know that the studio will be closed from Thursday, July 17 - Monday, July 21, 2008. We are taking a quick family getaway for a few days. YEAH!!! I will return all phone calls and emails early next week. Thanks and have a super weekend!

Rhonda :-)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Congratulations to Corrie & Mike Edwards...........

Hello Everyone--

I just wanted to take a quick minute to say "CONGRATULATIONS" to the new Mr. & Mrs. Michael Edwards. Yep, they did it...........Corrie Solly & Mike Edwards tied the knot this past Saturday, June 21, 2008. They both looked FANTASTIC and I was so glad they chose me to shoot their wedding!! I have included a picture of the happy couple for all of you to see.

Also, I have posted a couple of pics. of a new baby boy I just photographed--he is just three weeks old and he is simply beautiful. What a precious gift they really are! Thank you for allowing me to photograph him!

And, last but not least for today, I wanted to say "Thank You" to everyone that has sent me emails or contacted me about the new website. I have had nothing but positive reaction to it and I truly appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think. I'll try to keep it updated by posting lots of my new stuff as it comes in, so enjoy!!

Take Care--Rhonda :-)

Monday, June 9, 2008


Hi Everyone--

Well, it's finally here.............the new website just went LIVE over the weekend. I'm so jazzed about it and I hope you will be too! Please feel free to view it and send me your comments. It's always nice to know what you think.

Also, this past weekend we had our "newest addition" Baptized at St. Paul Catholic Church. She did very well so I was glad for that! Thanks to all of our family and friends for attending the Mass and the family party afterwards--it was fun!

Just a quick note to my new incoming 2009 High School Seniors...................I have had many of you start to call and ask me if I am scheduling sessions for them yet and the answer is YES. Please feel free to call now and get on the schedule. I anticipate a very heavy workload this year so the sooner you get on the schedule, the better.

Guess that's all for now.......................thanks for viewing.

Rhonda :-)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Website is in the works.......

Hi All--

Just wanted to take a quick minute to let each of you know that my new website will soon be up and running. It is a Flash site and is pretty slick. I think all of you will enjoy my new look.

That's all for now...............we'll chat again soon.

Rhonda :-)